Are you experiencing issues with your toilet’s water inlet valve? Or have you noticed constant running water, inadequate filling, or even a complete malfunction.
Whatever the case may be, it’s important to address the problem promptly to ensure the optimal functioning of your toilet.
Let’s explore the various factors that can influence the cost of replacing a toilet water inlet valve. From the price of the valve itself to labour costs and potential additional expenses, we’ll provide you with valuable insights into what you can expect when undertaking this plumbing task.
To replace a toilet water inlet valve we charge $248. This includes the call-out fee.
What is a Toilet Water Inlet Valve?

A toilet water inlet valve, also known as a fill valve or ballcock, is an essential component of a toilet’s plumbing system. It is responsible for regulating the flow of water into the toilet tank during the refill process after flushing.
The main functions of a toilet water inlet valve include:
- Water Supply Regulation: The inlet valve controls the flow of water from the main water supply line into the toilet tank. When the toilet is flushed, the valve opens to allow water to enter the tank and refill it to the appropriate level.
- Refill Control: Once the toilet tank is emptied during the flushing process, the inlet valve detects this and initiates the refill by opening fully. It allows a specific volume of water to flow into the tank until it reaches the predetermined fill level.
- Water Level Adjustment: The water inlet valve has an adjustable mechanism that allows users to set the desired water level in the toilet tank. This adjustment ensures that enough water is available for a proper flush while preventing overfilling that can lead to wastage or potential leaks.
- Float Mechanism: Most toilet water inlet valves utilise a float mechanism that rises with the water level inside the tank. As the float reaches a certain height, it triggers the valve to close, stopping further water flow and indicating that the tank is full.
- Anti-Siphon Function: Many modern toilet water inlet valves incorporate anti-siphon features to prevent contaminated water from flowing back into the main water supply line. This helps maintain sanitary conditions and prevents potential health hazards.
- Silent Operation: Some newer models of toilet water inlet valves are designed for quiet operation, reducing or eliminating noises commonly associated with filling toilets.
Toilet water inlet valves play a crucial role in maintaining the proper functionality and efficiency of toilets. If you encounter issues such as constant running or inadequate filling, it may indicate a problem with the water inlet valve that requires inspection, adjustment, or replacement.
Where is the Toilet Water Inlet Valve located?
The toilet water inlet valve is typically located inside the toilet tank. It is connected to the water supply line that provides water to the toilet. The exact location may vary depending on the specific toilet mode
Toilet Water Inlet Valve Pricing
The type and quality of the valve you choose will play a significant role in its price. Basic valves made of plastic tend to be more affordable, while higher-quality valves made of brass or other durable materials may come at a higher cost.

FIX-A-LOO Hush Fill Bottom Entry Inlet Valve – Bunnings – $24.98

Caroma Quietflow 2 Bottom Inlet Valve – Bunnings – $30.57
Plumber Call out Fees Example
Standard Callout | 7am – 4pm M-F | $120 |
2 For 1 Callout (Both an Electrician & Plumber for the one callout price) | 7am – 4pm M-F | $120 |
Twilight Callout | 4pm – 6pm M-F | $198 |
Saturday Callout | 7am – 6pm Saturday | $273 |
Standard after Hours Callout | All other times | $383 |
How much does it cost to replace a toilet water inlet valve?
To replace a toilet water inlet valve we charge $248. This includes the call-out fee.